Conservation Park news and updates

caretakers_houseWe have updates and news about the North Unit’s restrooms, the caretaker’s house, and more.

Caretaker’s house to be replaced

Cherokee Marsh Conservation Park’s North Unit has long had an caretaker living on site to open and close the entry gate, perform maintenance such as mowing and plowing, and generally keep a watchful eye on things. The caretaker is a City employee, usually someone from Parks, who pays a reduced rent in exchange for the tasks performed.

The caretaker’s house, located in the service area at the south end of the riverside maintenance road, was present when the city bought the land years ago. Although the house looks well maintained from a distance, recent inspections have revealed the need for extensive repairs, and Parks has determined that it will be cheaper in the long run to replace the house rather than repair it.

Parks has requested $175,000  in next year’s capital budget to replace the house. The new house might be built just off the parking lot, where it will be a more visible presence compared to the current location, but no decision on this has been made.

The restrooms are closed again

The North Unit’s restrooms were open for a few weeks in September after Parks’ facilities crew sanitized and flushed the well. However, on Sept 22, Parks learned that the most recent water samples failed to pass tests, and the restrooms were closed again. Parks will be adding more portable toilets for the time being.

We will continue to encourage Parks to find and fix the source of the bacteria that has been contaminating the water so the restrooms can open next spring. (Since 2013, as a cost-saving measure, the restrooms have been closed from November until April with a portable toilet on site.)

Upgrades to South Unit entrance delayed

City Engineering received only one bid to upgrade the waste oil dropoff site at South Cherokee, and the amount requested exceeded the funds available, so this project and other improvements to the entrance are on hold while Engineering investigates other options.

More about the project

Construction has begun at site of new development

Construction has begun at the new development just west of N. Sherman Ave, including the storm water pond, water main, sanitary sewer, and sidewalk. This work is expected to be complete by mid-October, with further development expected to follow.

More about the project

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